Course Objective:
At the completion of this course, participants will have a fundamental understanding of:
- How to manage OHS.
- Articulate their legal, moral and ethical responsibilities for safety
- Identify hazards and manage risks by effectively monitoring risk control measures
- Strengthen the safety culture through improved communication and consultation
- Encourage more lead reporting, use of systems and processes, observations and inspections, audits and investigations
- Conduct a simple and highly effective safety conversation that raises awareness, engages the other party and results in a sustainable shift in behaviour.
- Demonstrate the skills involved in engaging groups and teams in effective meetings where everyone actively participates, and communications are effective and enjoyable for all
Course Composition:
· Theory: | 80 % |
· Practical: | 20 % |
For Whom: Any Supervisors, Leader or Managers with Safety agenda. This course is designed to help leadership align its safety vision, energize commitment and involvement, and set the stage for rolling out an effective safety improvement effort. It gives participants a better understanding of the conditions and methods required for the implementation of a strong, effective and ongoing safety management effort within an organization.
Course Contents:
- Safety systems versus safety leadership
- How to manage OHS.
- The risk management process.
- Communication and consultation.
- Incident management.
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for safety outside of lost time injuries (LTIs)
- Implementing an accountability process
- Taking the next step towards improving safety
Candidates Can Look Forward to:
- Qualified Instructors
- Certificate of Completion from KG
Course Features
Lectures 3
Quizzes 0
Duration 50 hours
Skill level All levels
Language English
Students 2
Assessments Yes